Relaunch 2.0

Hi. Welcome back to the Elm Tree Quiz.

We’ve been online now for about 18 months and during that time the numbers logging into the quiz are in the low hundreds. Of that number, 66% of visitors to the site have been from the UK, 22% from the USA, 8% from the Netherlands, 2% from Russia (hello hackers) and the other 2% from 15 different countries. So if you know anyone in any far-flung places feel free to tell them about the quiz as step one in our five-year plan towards global quiz domination.

Or, even better, you can come to the pub.  The quiz will be re-starting in person on Wednesday 20th October with a 9pm kick-off time.  We do appreciate that getting back into the habit of going out to the quiz after 18 months of various degrees of lockdown may take some adjustment. But it will be great to see teams old and new.

We will in any event keep on posting the quiz online, albeit after each week’s in-pub quiz.

All the best
